What is the Most Common Winning Hand in Poker?


For beginners, poker can be a high-pressure or complicated game because of its numerous hand rankings as well as lots of rules that need to be kept in mind. Perhaps the trickiest element in this game to remember is the combinations of cards that make the winning hands and how they also rank against one another.

Learning about poker hand rankings is one of the essential poker skills, and when you’ve mastered these hand rankings, you can remember and focus on improving all the other areas of the game without any distraction.

One of the basic facts to grasp in poker hands is that it consists of five cards. So, if you’re playing a seven-card game, only the best five of those cards will play. It also means that you must always focus in order to make the best five-card hand.

Here are a few most common winning hands in poker according to their order:

  1. Royal Flush

Do you know that Royal Flush can never be beaten? It is the best possible hand and poker strategy that is unbeatable. It consists of Royal cards like Ace, King, Queen, and Jack that are joined by ten all of which are in the same suit. Though this poker hand is unbeatable, it is also a statistical anomaly and very hard sometimes to be paid off. It happens because the board becomes very scary for your opponents.

  1. Straight Flush

Straight Flush is ranked second in winning poker hand rankings, which can be beaten only by the Royal Flush. It is different from the Royal Flush in that the cards aren’t all royal, they’re all in sequence. A Straight Flush has five cards of the same suit in the correct order. For example; 10-9-8-7-6 all either in Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs, or Stars. It is also a very strong hand and one of the best poker hands.

Many players agonize over this hand, so as a beginner, don’t let it faze you, if you get this hand, then there is a very tiny situation where you’ll be beaten. Try to stay calm, and let your opponent bet as much as possible.

  1. Four Of A Kind

Four of a Kind hand ranking have all the same rank cards, for example, 4-4-4-4-X these are not on the same suit. If two players have Four of a Kind, the one who has the higher set of four cards wins the pot. In case two players have the equal ranking of Four of a Kind, then the player with the highest ‘Kicker’ wins.

Along with these, there are more poker hand rankings that you must know to improve your game.

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